
Saying that I love the fall is an understatement.  The only thing I don't like about it is waking up and having to make a decision on fishing, big game hunting or chasing birds.  Today I decided to go out with my buddy Guy and look for grouse.

Grouse country.
We heard bulls screaming as we walked up the ridge.  We covered a lot of really good country before we eventually found some birds.  Cholla did great and flushed all the birds we saw except one single.  She has some pretty big shoes to fill with Orvis entering semi-retirement but she has the makings of a fantastic bird dogs and is learning quickly.

Aspens in full colors.
Gotta go fire up the vise now and make some baetis soft hackles with the feathers!!

Proud Dad!  First season and she is already starting to get it figured out!


  1. Very cool man. The changing colors are beautiful. If you're ever looking to get rid of some of those feathers, shoot me an email...


  2. Will do Ben. I'm gonna get out this weekend I am sure but it may be for blues again. I'll let you know when I have the feathers.


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